Course Structure and Teaching Pedagogy

Course Structure and Teaching Pedagogy

The Internet and related technologies have created a new business and a new teaching pedagogy. The purpose is to help teachers and students with an improvement in curricula change, new patterns of interaction, changes in organizational structures, and the roles and activities of students in both business and academic learning environments.

The PGDM course has been designed as an intensive Two Year Programme distributed over six trimesters and aims at creating a strong academic foundation to provide appropriate skills for managerial decision making. PGDM Course Structure consists of a total 120 credits.

Out of this, one hundred fourteen credits are devoted to courses, Six credits to summer training projects. Equivalent number of credits for each course is indicated in the “Term Wise Course Description”. 

The specialisation papers will be introduced from the 3rd trimester. In the major – minor or dual format students have to specifically opt for specialisation area of their interest. The summer placements will be offered in the major area of specialisation or in the preferred area of specialisation in a dual format.

Course Code Subject Title Credit Teaching Hours
  Trimester : 1    
1.1  OrganisationalBehaviour – I 3 30
1.2  Marketing Management – I 3 30
1.3  Quantitative Techniques for Management 3 30
1.4  Financial Accounting for Managers 3 30
1.5  Information Systems & Cyber Security 3 30
1.6  Business Communication    3 30
1.7  Managerial Economics 3 30
   Minor project -I 1 10
  Total course credits of Trimester 1 22 220
  Trimester: 2    
2.1 OrganisationalBehaviour – II  3 30
2.2  Marketing Management –II  3 30
2.3  Production & Operations Management  3 30
2.4  Management  Accounting*  1.5 15
2.5  Financial Management- I*  1.5 15
2.6  Legal Aspects of Business  3 30
2.7  Human Resource Management  3 30
2.8  Personality Reengineering Programme-I
( includes Pearson value-added certification)
 3( 2+1) 30
   Minor Project- II 1 10
  Total course credits of Trimester 2 22 220
  Trimester : 3    
3.1 Operations Research  3 30
3.2  Managerial Decision Modelling through Spreadsheet  3 30
3.3  Financial Management – II  3 30
3.4  Business Research Methods  3 30
3.5  Personality Reengineering Programme II
( includes Pearson value-added certification)
 3( 2+1) 30
3.6  Minor project-III  1 10
   Trimester III : 03 Elective Courses( Core electives – MANDATORY)    
   Elective I  3  30
   Elective II  3  30
   Elective III  3  30
  Total course credits of Trimester 3 25 250
  Trimester : 4    
4.1  Strategic Management 3 30
4.2  E-Business 3 30
4.3  Personality Reengineering Programme III includes Pearson value-added certification) 3( 2+1) 30
4.4  Summer Internship Project 6 -
   Trimester IV : 04 Elective courses (Choice-based)    
   Elective IV 3 30
   Elective V 3 30
   Elective VI 3 30
   Elective VII  3 30
  Total course credits of Trimester 4 27 210
  Trimester : 5    
5.1  Innovation & Technology Management*  1.5 15
5.2  Entrepreneurship Development  3  30
5.3  Personality Reengineering Programme IV( includes Pearson value-added certification)  3(2+1) 30
   Trimester V : 03 Elective courses    
   Elective VIII  3 30
   Elective IX  3 30
   Elective  X  3 30
  Total course credits of Trimester 5 16.5 165
  Trimester : 6    
6.1  Corporate Governance & Business Ethics*  1.5 15
   Trimester VI : 02 Elective courses(Choice-based)    
   Elective XI  3  30
   Elective XII  3  30
  Total course credits of Trimester 6  7.5  75

                                                                                                                 TOTAL COURSE CREDITS YEAR WISE

Total Course Credit in First Year




Total Course Credit in Second Year




Total for Entire Programme






Sr. No

Name of the Course

Trimester : 1


BI Lab :Statistical Functions

Trimester: 2


BI Lab    :Basic Financial  Function




Workshop on  Design Thinking


Workshop on “Employability Skills under Lifeskills” by Rubicon


Certification Course : Pearson English Me Pro Program  (Level 1, 2, 3)

Trimester : 3


Certification Course : Pearson English Me Pro Program  (Level 4, 5,6)


Certification Course :BI Lab - Advance financial functions SPSS  Certification


Certification – Advance Excel

Trimester : 4


Certification Course : Pearson English Me Pro Program  (Level 7, 8)


Workshop on Business Simulation Games


Trimester : 5


Certification Course : Pearson English Me Pro Program (Level 9 , 10)


Workshop on “Environment Management” / SDG Goal


Workshop on “Blockchain&Fintech

To Download the Course Curriculum



