Journal of Global Business & Management Research
To ensure high quality publication ethics, the authors are expected to follow the ethics policy of Journal of Global Business & Management Research before making submissions in the journal. Objective of the policy is to specify the role clearly to maintain the research integrity of the Journal. The policy defines the role of authors, editors and reviewers clearly.
1. The article submitted should be an original work of the author and should not have been submitted to any publication platform .
2. If the text and idea is referred, that should be fully referenced otherwise considered as plagiarising work. Required to disclose the sources from where the text or idea are copied. Plagiarisms in any manner consider as unethical behaviour and is unacceptable .
3. Provide details of the corresponding authors and other authors so that the journal shall be communicated to the reviewer and the editor regarding the originality of the paper .
4. Co- authors must have checked and approved the final draft of their work before it can be submitted for publication, and the corresponding author is responsible for making sure that all contributors are acknowledged in the final edition of the work. When the editor or publisher demands source information,authorship documentation, or originality, they must promptly answer and fully comply.
5. The author should not claim the copy right related rights at any circumstances .
6. Any other support from the third party should be acknowledged in the acknowledgement .
7. The author is bound to submit copyright as per the format of the journal .
8. It is the author’s duty to promptly notify the editors of any material errors found in the published work and to assist in the edit or correction of the publication.
Responsibility of the editors
The editors need to ensure the followings to maintain the quality of the Journal:
1. Editors are in charge of upholding the Journals' reputation by accepting and publishing unique, pertinent, and high-quality content.
2. Involve in fair editorial evaluation ethics during the evaluation process. The evaluation of manuscript is purely based on the original content submitted by the scholar, and should have relevance to the call for papers.
3. Provide a transparent review and publication process to the authors so that the quality of the journal should not be compromised in any circumstances.
4. After evaluation the updates should be communicated to the authors, once a decision has been made on publication.
5. Make sure that there is no financial interest with respect to the publication of the articles.
6. Do not disclose details of the submitted manuscript to anyone, other than reviewer
Ethics for Reviewers
The reviewers need to ensure the followings:
1. Maintain the confidentiality with regard to the submitted manuscript.
2. The identity of the authors should be kept hidden in the file name of the manuscript.
3. Review submitted work within due date and impartially.
4. Provide advice to editors, in case required.
5. Ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the authors
6. If found similarities between submitted manuscripts and with third party content or with other published works or so has to be reported to the editor urgently.
7. Unpublished materials submitted in a manuscript by the author, should not be used in reviewer’s own research.