FDP /SDP/ Workshops/Guest Lectures

Jun -20-2022

FDP on Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS

The I.T.S School of Management & Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad inaugurated  5 - Days FDP on ‘Research Methods and Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS in collaboration with QTanalyticsTM, New Delhi and SPSS South Asia on 20th June, 2022 at Mohan Nagar Campus.

The eminent resource persons for FDP Prof. (Dr.) Prabhat Mittal, Professor – Commerce and Management, Saraswati College (E), University of Delhi and Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Director, Centre of Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi graced the inaugural session.

Shri  Surinder  Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S - The Education Group, highlighted  on the pitfalls of qualitative research. He explained that research in social sciences involves the consideration of a multitude of factors and elaborated on the evolution of technology in Data Sciences. 

The session began with the welcome address by the Director Prof. (Dr) Timira Shukla, who emphasized on the significance of data analysis for interdisciplinary research. Dr Anusha  Agarwal, Convener, provided an overview of the programme along with the deliverables.

Over the five days sessions were held delving into different elements of the FDP, which included scaling and sampling techniques; univariate and bivariate analysis; parametric and non-parametric tests; tests of hypotheses; ANOVA and MANOVA; correlation and regression; multiple and logistical regression analysis; and structural equation modeling.

On the final day group presentations were made by all the participants. Following this the valedictory session was held in the presence of Director Prof. (Dr) Timira Shukla, Convener Dr. Anusha Agarwal and resource person Prof. (Dr.) Prabhat Mittal.

The Director in her address in the valedictory session urged all the participants to upskill and write research papers. She lauded Dr. Prabhat for the training in each aspect of research methods and techniques and tools data analysis.  The individual attention to each and every participant for learning and practice   sessions deserves special mention. 

Dr. Prabhat Mittal quipped that it was not a valedictory session, but rather the inauguration of a new resolve towards research. Thanking the Director, he stated that there were many takeaways from the programme, and expressed appreciation for the patient learning from the side of the participants. He also went on to provide tips for successful publication of papers in leading journals.

The 5 – days FDP ended with distribution of certificate.

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26- May-2022

Workshop on "Career opportunities and Competencies in the area of Marketing"

I.T.S School of Management organized a workshop on "Career opportunities and Competencies in the area of Marketing" for the final year students of BBA course of I.T.S UG Campus, Mohan Nagar on 26th May 2022.  

Dr. Mayank Sharma, Assistant Professor – Marketing was the resource person for the workshop which was attended by BBA Final year students of I.T.S UG campus and faculty members. The main objective of this workshop was to enable students to understand the massive shifts from old marketing to present world we live in today, to abreast them with changing roles and requirements in the field of marketing, discuss and provide insights on new career opportunities in marketing 4.0 and 5.0 and to deliberate upon new age skill sets and competencies required to deliver in the field of marketing, which has ramped up rapidly over years.

The session began with Dr. Mayank discussing about the paradigm shifts that have taken place in the field of marketing, changing customer tastes, habits, preferences, increased expectations, last mile service delivery need, and overall solution. He briefed students about the emerging job titles, their complete job roles, their median salaries, growth rate and an outlook for next 10 years in the industry. Next part of the session was dedicated to brief the competencies required to perform these job roles. To make it learn better, certain student engaging exercises were done, which were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the students.

It was a highly interactive session as students asked their queries related to multiple concepts and contents covered during the workshop. Dr. Mayank Sharma answered the queries of the students, one by one and quenched their academic thirst. In concluding remarks, Dr. Mayank Sharma extended thanks to all the participating students and faculty members.

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19- Mar-2022

Workshop on the Topic: Investment in Capital Market'

I.T.S School of Management organized a workshop on 'Investment in Capital Market' for the final year students of BBA course of  I.T.S UG Campus, Mohan Nagar on 19th May 2022.

The workshop was initiated under the presence of Dr. Neeraj Sanghi, Professor (Finance) and resource person of the workshop and faculty members of I.T.S UC Campus. The main objective of this workshop was to create awareness of stock market investing to the participants of the workshop. This workshop provided a clear understanding of the need and importance of investment in the stock market. Different investment strategies with different classes of shares have been discussed with the participants. This workshop also focused on usage of online resources and information to create appropriate investment strategies at appropriate times. Dr. Sanghi emphasised on long term investing in the stock market. He discussed the importance and investment strategies related to growth stocks, high dividend yield stocks, value buying, cyclical stocks, high and low beta stocks.

It was an interactive session as participants asked their queries related to the contents covered during the workshop. The resource persons answered the queries of the participants. In concluding remarks, Dr. Neeraj Sanghi extended thanks to all the participants.

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5- May-2022

Workshop on the Topic: Financial Model through Excel

Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized a workshop on "Financial Model through Excel"  for the final year students of BBA  courses at  I.T.S UG Campus, Mohan Nagar. The workshop was taken by Dr. Anusha Agarwal.  

Financial Model is a representation of a company's operations in the past, present, and the forecasted future. Students should be aware of how these models are intended to be used as decision-making tools in a company. Company executives might use them to estimate the costs and project the profits of a proposed new project.

The PPP Financial Model was been prepared by the students in Excel by taking into consideration the past, present, and forecasted data. The model was divided into three categories Input, Output, and Management Summary. In the end, the students were able to take the decision whether they can invest in this project or not.

The students participated with great enthusiasm and zeal. During the debriefing session, students have been explained the importance and relevance of the financial model in the real life. The session was highly interactive with a high degree of student engagement.

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28- Apr-2022

Workshop on the Topic: Learning through Management Games

Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized a workshop on "Learning through Management Games”  for the final  year students of BBA and BCA courses at  I.T.SUG Campus, Mohan Nagar. The workshop was taken by Dr. D. K. Pandey Professor (HRM).  

Management Games (or Business GamesBusiness Simulators) refers to the training method for managers. This form of training is based on an artificial environment that simulates the real situation in the management of the organization, whether it’s planningdecision makingcontrolcommunications or management itself. Business games allow monitoring of the consequences of decisions, and respond naturally to various situations.

The Management Games conducted today for the students was “Survival on the Moon”. The game was conducted with objective to demonstrate; Leadership, Individual & Group Decision Making process, Communication process, Managing Conflict and Team Work skills.

The students participated with great enthusiasm and zeal. During debriefing session, students were explained the above behavioral concepts in the light of the game played. The session was highly interactive with high degree of student’s engagement.

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27- Apr-2022

Workshop on "Financial Wellness- The key to success"

I.T.S School of Management organized an online session for participants of PGDM (2021-23) Batch on the topic "Financial Wellness- The key to success" on April 27th, 2022.  

The session was delivered by the esteemed guest, Mr. Kanak Kr Jain from SSL Academy.

The session focused on learning to get internships and jobs in financial institutions and few game-based activities was also conducted and he also covered the important points in context to following:

·         Enemies of Income i.e, INFLATION & TAX

·         Power of Compounding

·         Advantages of Mutual Fund

·         Benefits of starting Investment early

·         Goals of Life: S-{Specific}, M-{Measurable}, A-{Attainable}, R-{Relevant},  T-{Time Based}

He elaborated the RVCC program which is a 9-day certification program with SSL Academy & NSE Academy (Subsidiary of National Stock Exchange). In 9 days 9 Modules will be covered in detail & an Exam will be conducted from NSE. He further discussed an internship will also be offered to students who wish to have a career in Finance & score above 80% (Grade A) in RVCC Certification Exam conducted by National Stock Exchange Academy.

The 9 Modules of program are as follows: 

·         The Volatility Game

·         Technical Analysis Volatility Game

·         Fundamental Analysis Volatility Game

·         Debt Volatility Game

·         Options & Derivative Game

·         Vision Game

·         Influencer Game

·         Financial Planning Game

·         Mutual Fund Analysis Game

It was a very interactive session and the participants raised several questions which were answered by Mr. Kanak Kr Jain to their satisfaction. Overall, the session was very enriching and full of learning for the participants.

At the end Mr. Debargha Deb proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Kanak Kr Jain.

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26- Apr-2022

Workshop on the Topic: Effective Communication Skills

Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized a workshop on "Effective Communication Skills" for the final year students of BBA and BCA courses at  I.T.SUG Campus, Mohan Nagar.

Prof. Yachna Malhotra of I.T.S School of Management took up the workshop and introduced the importance and requirement of Effective Communication in the personal and professional life.

Initially to get connected with the participants, an ice breaking activity was conducted to make students alert and active listeners for the session.

The session was a mix of both the slide show coupled with some interesting activities, engaging videos and online quizzes to make students understand the significance and need of Effective Communication Skills for making their personal and professional interactions  more effective, clear and result oriented.

Session completely focused on all the three V’s of Communication i.e. Vocal,Verbal and Visual. Students were given demonstration on effective Non – Verbal Communication skills by making them part to some interesting videos on Body Language, Facial expressions and eye-contact during business meetings. Participants were over whelmed with the outputs and experiences they had during the session. Prof. Yachna Malhotra also shared the tips and techniques with the students to enhance their speaking and verbal skills. The session concluded with an energizing activity on Listening Skills in which all the students actively participated and realized that effective communication can help them to enhance their personalities and in-turn will make them better professionals.

Prof. Yachna Malhotra offered thanks to all participants for their patient listening and active participation during the session. 

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06- Apr-2022

Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights & IP management for Startups” conduct by GLOCAL, IB together with Institution’s Innovation Council.

GLOCAL, IB club of I.T.S School of management together with Institution’s Innovation Council organized “Workshop onIntellectual Property Rights & IP management for Startups” for participants of PGDM (2021-23) batch on 6th April, 2022.  

The session was delivered by Ms. Smriti Yadav, Partner- Khaitan &Co. & IPR Practice Group. She initiated the session by explaining about Intellectual Property Protector in India. She explained about trademark registration process, conventional marks & non-conventional marks,strong and weak trademarks, designs, exclusion, revocation,commercialization and its impact on IPR. She also quite nicely highlighted on what can’t be registered as a trade mark and confidential information. She emphasized on the concept of trade secrets and peculiarities from Indian law perspective using popular case/ company examples.Further in the session she discussed about the timelines and process for filing patents in India.

The session was quite interactive as participants asked many relevant questions and the guest answered them up to their satisfaction. The session was then concluded with the presentation of a virtual plaque to guest of honor as a token of gratitude. Overall, the session was indeed a very engaging and insightful.

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