News & Events


Workshop on Business Simulation 'BankStrat' for PGDM (2022-24) Batch

I.T.S School of Management organized  a workshop on “Business Simulation Game”  for the  PGDM (Batch 2022-24) on October 4, 2023.


The Resource Persons was Mr. Debashish J. Das, Co- Founder, Humanlinks Learning.

The workshop was inaugurated by the Director, ITS School of Management , Dr.Timira Shukla, in the presence of  Mr. Debashish J. Das, Prof. Kumar Biswas  & Dr. Shailendra Kumar Dube besides PGDM II year students of Strategic Management .

Prof. Timira Shukla in her opening remarks, laid emphasis on the “First Hand Experience” through “ Simulation Games” because it helps one to enhance its decision making capabilities and get a holistic picture of the organization.

Mr. Debashish J.Das introduced simulation game “ BankStrat” to the participants,  which was about the banking operations and how to perform on four given parameters.

In the first “Demonstration Round”, two students scored 63 out of 80, and in “Assessment Round” majority of students achieved the green band. There was a final round for self improvement too. The top successful students also shared their strategy with the participants. The PGDM Chairperson, Dr. Anusha Agarwal presented Memento and Plaque to Mr. Debashish J. Das, for his contribution towards simulation games.

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Session on Self- Exploration by Shree Pawan Sinha “Guruji”

I.T.S School of Management Ghaziabad organized a session on the topic “Self- Exploration” for the PGDM (2023-25) batch on 4th October 23.


The session was conducted by the spiritual preceptor, philosopher, writer and an educationist Professor Shri Pawan Sinha “Guruji” founder of Paavan Chintan Dhara Ashram.

Hon’ble Chairman, ITS - The Education Group, Dr. R.P. Chadha welcomed “Guruji” and “Guru Mata” Dr. Kavita Asthana. “Guruji” initiated the talk by delving into the complexities of ‘Self’ and how can we know about oneself in different layers.

Drawing from his extensive experience in the field of education and spirituality, he engaged the audience with real-world examples of people who were not only knowledgeable but also spiritually inclined. He gave example of Lord Krishna acquiring deep knowledge in diverse fields before taking the role of on administrator.

During the session he provided practical insights on how students could develop capabilities and achieve their dreams by exploring oneself. Guruji also deliberated on the importance of confidence and concentration and how these two qualities are required for leadership and change in the dynamic world. He emphasized on the mental and physical wellbeing for the holistic development and to relentlessly pursue dreams.

He concluded the session by urging the students to expand the horizons. He suggested to students to keep a good company of dreamers who have some great aim in life. He further explained, in doing so students, uplift one another to reach greater heights.

Towards end of the session, plaque of honour was presented to the guests, as a token of appreciation and respect, by the Hon’ble Chairman, ITS - The Education Group, Dr. R. P. Chadha. The event was stimulating and left the audience with valuable insights about life and ‘Self-Exploration’. 

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One day Excursion Tour to Rurban Resort

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad  organised a one-day excursion trip to  Rurban Resort, Murad Nagar,  Ghaziabad for PGDM 2023-25 batch students  on  30th September, 2023.

The prime aim of such of excursion tour is to empower students with experiential learning i.e., by engaging in team activities, coordinating with team members, leadership development,  risk analysis capabilities, handling situational problems, crisis management, time management and gaining hands on experience.

It was a bright sunny day,   the students had the thrilling experience while venturing through the meandering routes of village enroute to the resort.

The students participated in various activities such as:

·         ZipLine

·         Wall Climbing

·         Tyre climbing

·         Zig Zag walk

·         Ladder walk

·         Wood walk

Such activities not only tested ones risk taking capabilities but also endurance, fitness and decision making capabilities. 

 After the eventful session, the students were served with lip smacking, sumptuous lunch. In the post lunch session, the students participated in several games & sports  like basketball, Netball, cricket, handball, shooting, etc. However, the most enjoyable activity was tug-of-war of boys and girls. It was indeed a high voltage game with real time team coordination. Individual goals were culminated into team objective to win. These activities helped them to overcome their fears and bond with each other. In the evening “Rajasthani Folk Dance” & “Balancing Skills on Wire” was showcased by the artists which was truly amazing.   This was followed by evening tea and snacks.

This outbound excursion tour helped the students learn the importance of working in teams, collaborating and learning from one another.  They also understood the importance of imbibing cultural values with modern outlook.  The different activities stimulated the physical and emotional quotient of the students.

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International Corporate Talk “Leading in the Age of Disruption-Navigating Uncertainty and Innovation”

I.T.S School of Management organized an online International Corporate Talk on the theme "Leading in the Age of Disruption-Navigating Uncertainty and Innovation" for the students of the PGDM batch (2023-25) on Friday, September 29, 2023.

The esteemed speaker for the session, Mr. Ivan Muniz Rothgiesser, Director of the ACCEDU Action for Education, Cusco – Peru, was welcomed by the Director of I.T.S School of Management, Dr. Timira Shukla.

Mr. Rothgiesser initiated the talk by delving into the complexities of leadership in a rapidly changing world, where disruption and uncertainty have become the norm. Drawing from his extensive experience in the field of education and innovation, he engaged the audience with real-world examples and encouraged active participation.

During the session, Mr. Rothgiesser emphasized the critical importance of adaptability and innovation. He provided practical insights on how students can navigate uncertainty, harness innovation, and develop the skills needed to excel in leadership roles in today's dynamic business environment.

The speaker elucidated the multifaceted role of leaders in addressing disruption, from strategic to effective decision-making. He highlighted the need for leaders to balance short-term goals with long-term sustainability and encouraged students to develop a holistic understanding of leadership.

The event was intellectually stimulating and left the audience with valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of leading in an era of disruption and innovation.

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G20 University Connect Finale programme attended by PGDM students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a visit to Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi to attend G20 University Connect Finale Programme by the Research and Information System for Develop Countries (RIS) on 26th September, 2023. It marked a memorable moment for the students of PGDM (2023-25) Batch and faculty members Dr. Namita Mishra  and Prof. Ashutosh Sharma.

G20 University Connect Finale Inaugural session started with the lighting of a lamp with the members of G20 followed by the inaugural address by Harsh Vardhan Shringla, Chief Coordinator for India's G20 Presidency in 2023

There was a panel discussion  on G20 preparations and its outcome  for member countries with the key members

·         Shri Amitabh Kant : India’s G20 Sherpa

·         Shri K Sanjay Murthy : Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Government of India

·         Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar :Chairman, University Grants Commission

·         Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi :Director General of the RIS,

This was followed by the cultural event to save the earth “Dharti Ma Pukare”. 

Shri Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa discussed the priorities and Dr. P.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister discussed  about Glitch Free G20 summit .

Youths were also privileged to listen Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister. Shri. Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Education & Skill Development and  Entrepreneurship welcomed the Prime Minister of India to address the youth.

Last but not least Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi joined the session and addressed the intellectual capitals of the country at 4:00 PM.  His speech focused on the growth phases of the country. The Prime Minister said that youth progress depends on optimism, opportunities, and openness in the system. The Prime Minister also released four books on G20.

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I.T.S School of Management Ghaziabad organised its 25th Convocation ceremony for PGDM (2021-23) Batch on 24th September, 2023.

The luminaries gracing the occasion included Dr. Saugata Mitra, Senior Strategic Advisor and Expert Director, Former Managing Director of NDDB Dairy Services, who was the Chief Guest and Mr. Dhirendra Joshi, Vice President, Kajaria Bathware Pvt. Ltd., as the Guest of Honour.

The session began with the ceremonial lamp lighting by all the dignitaries, Dr. R.P. Chadha, Chairman of I.T.S – The Education Group. Dr. Timira Shukla, Director, I.T.S School of Management welcomed the dignitaries and presented the Institute’s Annual Report. Programme Chairperson Dr. Anusha Agarwal administered the Oath to the graduating batch.

Chief Guest Dr. Saugata Mitra in his address emphasised the significance of understanding the business expectations & real-life challenges, work with mindfulness, perseverance and persistence for attainment of success in life.

The Guest of Honour Mr. Dhirendra Joshi guided students to work passionately towards their goal, be effective as well as efficient and take time for friends and family along.

Rank holders, meritorious students were awarded with medals and certificates for academic excellence by the dignitaries. All the awardees received diploma from the Distinguished Guests in person and embarked on their new journey into the professional world.

It was an occasion of immense pride and accomplishment for all the diploma awardees and their parents.

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Employability Skills Workshop for PGDM students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organised a Four-day “Employability Skills Workshop” for PGDM (2022-2024) batch students from 19th - 22nd September, 2023 in collaboration with TPC GLOBAL Pvt. Ltd.


The workshop began with the inaugural session in the august presence of Director Dr. Timira Shukla, Chairperson PGDM Program Dr.Anusha Agarwal, Prof. Yachna Malhotra and the trainers team of TPC Global. The trainers for the session were: Ms. Deepa, Mr.Harsh, Ms. Nandani and Mr. Kapil

The training sessions in the workshop majorly focused on interview skills like giving aptitude building sessions, presentations, group discussions, mock interviews, email etiquette and many more. The trainers conducted hands-on activities with the students in order to enhance their self-confidence and overcome the interview fear.The training sessions also covered Resume building both in paper and video format. An online assessment was conducted to check the learning among the students on daily basis for all the days.

The fourth day of the workshop was a complete mock drill of the interview process in which the panel of trainers focused on Resume verification, Group Discussions on social and current affairs (one round for each and every student) followed by extensive Personal Interviews for both Sales and HR rounds.

The workshop witnessed huge enthusiasm from the students. Also the mock drill really helped the student to get familiar with the complete interview process.

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Teacher’s Day Celebration

PGDM Student members of Vibgyor – A Cultural club at I.T.S School of Management organised Teacher’s Day Celebration on September 5th, 2023.


Dr.Timira Shukla, Director – I.T.S School of Management, Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Director – Institute of Technology & Science, Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Chairperson – PGDM, Prof. Durba Roy, AVP– CRC, Dr. Satish Kumar, Head – Admissions inaugurated the event by lamp-lighting. After that a cake cutting ceremony took place, where all the faculty members joined.

On this occasion Ms. Poorvi, PGDM (2022-24 Batch) performed the Ganesh vandana dance; Ms. Sonali, PGDM (2023-25 Batch) performed the Kathak Dance; Mr. Saumya & Mr. Shivesh, PGDM 2023-25 batch entertained their teachers with singing songs.

To make the event memorable & enjoyable students arranged Tambola and Dumb Charades games for the faculty members. All the faculty members participated in games and winners were rewarded by chocolates.

Dr. V.N. Bajpai in his address appreciated the efforts made by the students and motivated them for keep improving in their management skills. Dr.Timira Shukla in her address appreciated the students for their organising skills and conveyed her best wishes for their future endeavours.

Mr. Himanshu Gautam& Ms. Sunidhi Singh from PGDM (2022-24 Batch) hosted the event.

Mr. Ram Krishna & Mr. Dilip Kumar from PGDM (2022-24 Batch) coordinated to make the event successful.

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Management Faculty attended two days : Professor Workshop

Dr Vinay Kumar Srivastava, faculty, Department of Management atI.T.S, Ghaziabad attended a two-day online workshop on “Professor Workshop on Machine Learning with SAS”and on “Getting Started with SAS and Open Source” organized by SAS. The program was based on the SAS Viya platform on 04th -05th September, 2023.

Day 1 workshop was on Machine Learning with SAS. This workshop used an interactive approach to introduce the participants to visualization, model assessment, and model deployment while introducing a variety of machine learning techniques. The resource person for the session was Ms. Ashwini Reddy, a trainer on behalf of SAS. It was conducted from 8:30 am to12:30 am on 04.09.2023.

Day 2 workshop was on ‘Getting Started with SAS and Open Source”. This workshop provided an introduction for experienced R and Python users who want to apply their existing skills and extend them to the SAS environment. Emphasis was placed on programming and not statistical theory or interpretation. The resource person for the session was Mr. Akshay Dixit, a trainer on behalf of SAS. It was conducted from 8:30 am to12:30 am on 05.09.2023

It was a very fruitful workshop as it exposed the participants to diverse aspects of applying a cutting-edge tool like SAS. 

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Aagaaz-2023: Freshers’ Party of PGDM 2023-25 Batch

I.T.S School of Management organized Aagaaz-2023: Freshers’ Party of PGDM 2023-25 Batch on 2nd September, 2023.


The Program initiated under the gracious presence of Shri Surinder Sood, Director-PR I.T.S-The Education Group, Dr. Timira Shukla, Director I.T.S School of Management, Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Director, Institute of Technology and Science, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Director IT & UG Campus, I.T.S Ghaziabad, Dr. Anusha Agarwal, PGDM Chairperson, Faculty members and students of PGDM Program.

The event commenced with the auspicious lamp lighting ceremony seeking blessings from Maa Saraswati. Director-PR I.T.S-the Education Group Shri Surinder Sood addressed the students with his words of wisdom and enlightened the gathering with the importance of effective utilization of limited time for achieving success in life. He motivated them to unlearn and learn continuously to excel in the career. Dr. Timira Shukla, Director in her address discussed the importance of team work and collective efforts to achieve success in professional life. She reiterated the importance of participating in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for holistic development. The event witnessed wonderful performances including group dance, poetry, solo singing, and solo dance which left the audience spell-bound. The rigorous process  followed to select Mr. & Ms. fresher from the nominees included  introduction round, talent hunt round and Q & A round.

The winners of different titles for PGDM(2023-25) are as under:

·         Mr. & Ms. Fresher 2023 - Mr. Satyam  Nice and Ms. Vanshika Prakash

·         Mr. and Ms. Best Smile - Mr. Shantanu Singh and Ms. Vani Varshney

·         Best Costume – Mr. Rajat  Pratap Singh and Ms. Sonali Kumari

·         Mr. and Ms. Fresh face - Mr. Sanskar Jaiswal & Ms. Arushi Srivastava

This was followed by a sumptuous feast.

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