News & Events


Workshop on "Career opportunities and Competencies in the area of Marketing" for BBA and BCA students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on "Career Opportunities and Competencies in the area of Marketing" for the final year students of BBA/BCA course on Monday, 06th April 2023.


Dr. Mayank Sharma, I.T.S School of Management was the resource person for the workshop.

The main objective of this workshop was to enable students to learn the transitional traditional and to contemporary modern era and provide insights on new career opportunities in marketing 4.0 and 5.0.

The session began with Dr. Mayank discussing about the paradigm shifts that have taken place in the field of marketing, concepts of FOMO, FOBO, ROPO, changing customer tastes, habits, preferences, increased expectations, last mile service delivery needs, and overall solution. He briefed students about the emerging job titles, their complete job roles, their median salaries, growth rate and an outlook for next 10 years in the industry. Industry student engaging exercises were conducted, which were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the students.

It was a highly interactive session as students asked their queries related to multiple concepts and contents covered during the workshop. 

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Webinar on “Recent developments in World Finance”

The students of I.T.S School of Management namely Ankit Kumar, Anubhav Chaturvedi, Ashutosh Saxena, Dileep Kumar, Mohd Amaan, Rahul Kumar, Shubham Pandey, Rohit Jain, Shobhit Agrahari, Kunal Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Shashi Raj,

Vivek Kesarwani, Rupali Kanchan, Priya Arora, Rahul Sharma, Ritik Arora, Yachika Tyagi attended a webinar on the topic “Recent Developments in World Finance”, conducted by  Institute of Quantitative Finance, which is India’s First Quant Finance Institute on Saturday,  08th April, 2023

The resource person Mr. Rajat Bhatia, Founder & CEO of NEURAL CAPITAL. He briefed about the recent developments and trends in the financial markets.

Point  discussed:-

·         The demise of Credit Suisse and what it means for the Too Big to Fail Banks.

·         The rapid collapse of American Banks, particularly Silicon Valley Bank


The Webinar was very useful to all the students for updating their knowledge.

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Workshop on “Understanding Importance of Data Analytics using Excel for BBA and BCA students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on "Understanding Importance of Data Analytics using Excel" for the final year students of BBA and BCA courses on Friday, 07th April 2023.

The expert for the session was Prof. Sunil Upadhyay, I.T.S School of Management.

 The objective of the workshop

·        To enhance the day-to-day efficiency of the students by training them in various operations of Microsoft Excel.

·        To improve their analytical and problem-solving skills.

Prof. Sunil Upadhyay started the workshop by introducing the importance of data analytics in the business world. He then proceeded to demonstrate various advanced Excel tools such as Conditional Formatting, Index, Pivot table, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP to perform effective data analysis. He emphasized the importance of lookup and pivot table functions of Excel for day-to-day operational activities. He also explained the various features and functions of Excel that can be used for complex calculations, data analysis, and much more. The workshop was highly interactive, and participants were enthusiastically involved throughout the training.

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Marketing Club - INNOVATIVE VIKRETA 2.0 - Salesman of the Year -2022

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad after the grand success of first edition, organised 'Innovative Vikreta 2.0 -Salesman of the Year 2022'the 2nd edition of the event of institute’s Marrecus - The Marketing Club, on Thursday, 06th April 2023.

Its objective was to enable the participants to apply the learned concepts in marketing & sales, about product, pricing, pitching, promotional strategies etc. in marketing through innovative product/service development/ concept selling (through prototypes/demo or charts) and pitching them for sale in a common marketplace. For the purpose, a whole market place was developed & decorated on the theme of summer carnival.

In total 17 teams showcased their offering through a demo/ prototype along with poster of their innovative product in the event. The event was judged by a panel of 03 faculty members comprising of Dr.Shailendra Kumar Dube, Prof. Yachna Malhotra and Dr. Vivek Pachauri who evaluated the teams on 4 parameters viz.

·         Understanding of the real-world problem,

·         Innovativeness in the proposed product.

·         Sales Pitch & Marketing Skills

·         Ability to Convince Customers

The winning teams were awarded with Trophies, Certificates of Appreciation and Individual gifts by Dr.Timira Shukla, Director & Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Chairperson PGDM.

The winning teams were:

1)     Team ZEAL (Ist) –for alternative source of protein from ‘sattu’- SATTUAN SHAKE

2)     Team – Out of The Box (IInd) – for Battery sharing via wireless - ‘BiFi’

3)     Team Money Magnets (IIIrd) – for Solar Power based Car Cooling system during parking ‘SYVA’

4)     Team Queen Bees (Best Decorated Shop) –ZO-ZO  Drinks

5)     Team KAPA (People Choice Award) –Safety Smart Jacket for women ‘KAPA TRAVEL JACKET’

6)     Team ASRA (Best Sales Pitchers) – for need based customisable Alarm Clockwith drone.

7)     Lucky Draw – By a coupon system and drawing chits from lots.

This activity aimed to usher the participants of PGDM 2022-24 batch towards creative thinking, team cohesion, active participation and enable them to understand and apply the classroom concepts in a practical & fun way. It was a replica of the actual marketplace but there was no actual buy or sell of the product, but heavily focused upon prospecting, sales presentation, pitching to visitors, query handling, visitor convincing, Q & A, taking feedback.

The event was conceptualised and organised by Dr. Mayank Sharma, Club Coordinator – Marrecus - Marketing Club.

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Workshop for on “Blue Ocean Strategy” for BBA and BCA students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on “Blue Ocean Strategy” for the final year students of BBA and BCA courses on Thursday, 06th April, 2023.


The resource person of the workshop is Dr. V. N. Bajpai, Professor and Director , Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad.

The rapid pace of innovation and change in recent years has led scholars and executives to search for an approach to strategy that is more dynamic than Harvard Professor Michael Porter’s classic “five forces.” One of the most successful efforts to do so is “Blue Ocean Strategy,” developed by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

Dr Bajpai shared Blue ocean strategy as the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost to open up a new market space and create new demand. It is about creating and capturing uncontested market space, thereby making the competition irrelevant. He focused on the concepts of Value innovation and technological innovation and explained the ways of creating new demand and attracting non customers. He shared that Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both its cost structure and its value proposition to buyers.  Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on.  Buyer value is lifted by raising and creating elements the industry has never offered.  Over time, costs are reduced further as scale economies kick in due to the high sales volumes that superior value generates.

He discussed cases of Godrej ‘Chotookool’ in the refrigerator industry and McDonalds in restaurant as a successful innovation model. It was a great learning experience for students and faculty present.

 Workshop was coordinated by Dr. Vivek Pachauri

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Workshop on Selling Skills and its Significance for BBA and BCA students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on “Selling Skills and its Significance” in professional life for the final year students of BBA and BCA courses on Wednesday, 05th April, 2023.

The resource person Dr. Timira Shukla, Professor and Director introduced the concept and elucidated the role and scope of professional selling in contemporary world. She used videos to articulate the importance of non-verbal communication in a selling situation.

Prof. Shukla further elaborated the significance of listening to the customer. Role plays was used as a method to demonstrate the role of probing the customer’s mind and mapping. A communication exercise was used to explain the importance of reading and writing.

The different skills explained included listening skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, presentation & persuasion skills, negotiation skills and customer service skills. The importance of when and why to ‘pitch’ was described in detail.  The do’s and don’ts which can kill a sale were highlighted by using real life examples.

It was an interactive session

Workshop was coordinated by Dr. Vivek Pachauri

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SIP Workshop “Corporate Expectations from Summer Internship” for PGDM students

A SIP workshop on “Corporate Expectations from Summer Internship” was organised at I.T.S School of Management on, Wednesday 05th April, 2023.

The objective of the workshop was to make PGDM 2022-24 students understands the corporate expectations from them during their summer internships beginning May 2023.

The workshop was taken by distinguished alumni resource, Ms. Anchal Ganjoo, India Compliance Lead, Asset Management, Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC (Alumnus PGDM 2013-15 Batch) and Ms. Shivangi Singh, Team Lead, Google Cloud Sales Enablement, Cognizant (Alumnus PGDM 2016-18 Batch) for PGDM (2022-24) Batch.

The workshop began with the welcome of alumni speakers by Prof. Durba Roy, AVP – CRC. In her welcome remarks, she discussed on the changing landscape of organisations with respect to SIP interns over a period of time and deliverables expected. She focussed on developing the right set of learning attitude and observe go-getter approach to gain maximum.

Ms. Anchal Ganjoo, shared that the responsibilities of an intern have evolved.In many internship programs, one can be working on projects, managing a small team and even working along some executives. It’s also not uncommon to receive a full-time offer upon completion of one’s internship with a company. Also, employers like to hire interns and use their internships source new talent for their company. Students shall definitely aim for PPI & PPOs from their SIPs.

Ms. Shivangi Singh, during her interaction with the students discussed about developing the niche skills to perform better. She discussed that companies expects a problem solver. At the time of joining, the main job will be to assist, learn, and grow. After one is settled in, he/she be expected to pull his/her own weight. She advised picking up hard skills and brushing upon the soft skills.

The alumni’s answered the queries of the students too and shared that Internships are usually short-term. They’re smaller investments in time and energy than full-time jobs. But they are certainly without a doubt a great investment of your time.

Dr.Timira Shuka, Director and Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Chairperson PGDM presented the plaque of honor and token of gratitude to the alumni speakers.

The workshop was coordinated by Prof. Yachna Malhotra and Dr. Mayank Sharma.

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Students visit to Aaj Tak Studio for attending panel discussion on ‘Child Education Plan’

The students of MBA and PGDM Courses of Institute of Technology and Science and I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad along with Dr. Neeraj Sanghi and Dr. Sanjeev Tandon attended a panel discussion on ‘Child Education Plan’ at Aaj Tak news channel studio situated at NOIDA Film City on 04th April, 2023. The program started with the welcome address by anchor of the program Mr. Sayeed Ansari.

The dignitaries of the program were;

·            Ms. P.V. Sindhu, Brand ambassador of PNB MetLife;

·            Mr. Subhash Chandra Garg, Former Finance Secretary;

·            Mr. Sameer Bansal, Chief Distribution Officer PNB MetLife;

·            Ms. Sanchita Mukherji and Ms. Neha Nagar, Finance Content Creator

The panel discussion focused on financial planning of child education for their dreams. White paper on the theme of PNB MetLife to all citizens of India by Happy and Chhoti Sindhu the mascots of PNB MetLife was released.

Ms. P.V. Sindhu shared her childhood memories and discussed the role of finance planning. Mr. Subhash Chandra Garg shared his views relating to government initiatives related to child education schemes. Mr. Sameer Bansal highlighted the importance of financial security for the children in the scenario of rising education cost.  Ms. Sanchita Mukherji talked about the need of financial planning for children at the earliest. Ms. Neha Nagar gave several examples of financial goals and impact of inflation on financial planning. At the end of the show audience asked few questions to the dignitaries. 

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Workshop on the Topic "Personal Branding using Social Media" for BBA and BCA students

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on "Personal Branding using Social Media" for the final year students of BBA and BCA courses on 03rd April, 2023.


Prof. Yachna Malhotra, I.T.S School of Management introduced the importance and requirement of Personal Branding in the professional and corporate life.

An ice breaking activity was conducted to make students alert and active listeners for the session. The session was a mix of both the slide show coupled with some interesting activities, engaging videos and online quizzes to make students understand the significance and need of Personal Branding and how to make best use of their smartphones and social media to increase their networking and branding in the virtual age.

The session covered various aspects of personal branding like creating a personal brand statement, identifying target audiences, and using social media platforms to build a brand. The advantages of personal branding like creating connections, enhanced reach, making narrative and leadership building were discussed at length. Some real life examples coupled with video examples were discussed  for better comprehension of the subject among the audience.

The session concluded with an online quiz on Personal Branding in which all the students actively participated and realized their learning outcomes of the session. The students' joy was further enhanced with the virtual certificates they generated based on the scores in the online quiz.

The attendees were enthusiastic and engaged throughout the workshop, asking questions and sharing their experiences related to social media and personal branding.

Workshop was coordinated by Dr. Vivek Pachauri

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Webinar on “Being fired to getting inspired: Bouncing back from layoffs”

I.T.S. School of Management, Ghaziabad provided the opportunity for HR specialization students of PGDM (22-24) Batch

to attend the webinar on “Being fired to getting inspired: Bouncing back from layoffs” organized by NHRDN Mind Matters on 3rd April, 2023.The students got an opportunity to hear prominent speakers like Mr. Chetan Mahajan (co-founder, Himalayan Writing Retreat), Dr, Vandita Dubey (clinical Psychologist; Creator, Himalayan Writing Retreat), Ms. Ankita Poddar (Sr. HR Business partner, Amazon Web Service) and Ms. Ranjita.

The session was started by Ms. Ankita; moderator who skillfully wove the threads of the conversation into great takeaways for the audience. She asked panelists why organizations do layoffs, what was their experience when they faced the same, how layoff affects a person's mental and physical health, how to overcome them , and whether these layoffs work as an opportunity for self-realization.The questions were aptly addressed by panelists with real-life  examples.

Learning Outcomes

·        Organizations need to have tough conversations with honesty and compassion.

·        Individuals need to have self-awareness and a support network.

·        Shame is a socially created emotion and there lies a responsibility to the stigma around layoffs.


The session was interactive indeed. Questions from the audience were also answered in the discussion.

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