News & Events


Corporate Talk on Changing Role of HR

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a corporate talk for the benefit of the PGDM I Year students (Batch 2023-25) on January 19, 2024.  Mr.Bhupendra Kaushal, Zydus HR (Manufacturing Head) was the ‘Guest Speaker’ for the day.  Director, Dr. Timira Shukla  welcomed  the speaker.

Mr.Kaushal is a well acknowledged motivational speaker, in his address on  ‘Changing Role of HR’ . He emphasized that today Human Resources, department doesn’t merely perform administrative functions, instead now it’s a strategic division which binds in the overall growth strategy of business. Jacob Morgan, Author of Employee Experience, clearly expresses, “what was viewed by many as one of the least exciting areas of an organization is now one of the most dynamic places to work.”

Conventionally, human resources are thought to be a department where employees go to get hired or fired. In the past few years, it has changed. Now employees go to human resources with feedback, suggestions, career advice, and to learn how to become a better worker. Senior HR professionals take a seat among other C-level executives to define talent strategy that complements business strategy and aids growth. At the end of the session Prof. Yachna Malhotra gave token of gratitude to Dr Bhupendra kaushal Sir.

The entire session was quite captivating and full of learning for the budding managers. 

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Corporate Talk on Changing Role of HR

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a corporate talk for the benefit of the PGDM I Year students (Batch 2023-25) on January 19, 2024.  Mr.Bhupendra Kaushal, Zydus HR (Manufacturing Head) was the ‘Guest Speaker’ for the day.  Director, Dr. Timira Shukla  welcomed  the speaker.


Mr.Kaushal is a well acknowledged motivational speaker, in his address on  ‘Changing Role of HR’ . He emphasized that today Human Resources, department doesn’t merely perform administrative functions, instead now it’s a strategic division which binds in the overall growth strategy of business. Jacob Morgan, Author of Employee Experience, clearly expresses, “what was viewed by many as one of the least exciting areas of an organization is now one of the most dynamic places to work.”

Conventionally, human resources are thought to be a department where employees go to get hired or fired. In the past few years, it has changed. Now employees go to human resources with feedback, suggestions, career advice, and to learn how to become a better worker. Senior HR professionals take a seat among other C-level executives to define talent strategy that complements business strategy and aids growth. At the end of the session Prof. Yachna Malhotra gave token of gratitude to Dr Bhupendra kaushal Sir.

The entire session was quite captivating and full of learning for the budding managers. 

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Marrecus -The Marketing Club organized "MIX MAESTRO"

Marrecus - The Marketing Club at I.T.S-School of Management, in its continued legacy organised its much-awaited event   "MIX MAESTRO"  on Thursday 18th  January 2024, The event was unique of its kind to witness the participation of a large number of teams from the PGDM (2023-25) batch.


MIX MAESTRO focused on the marketing viz as 4 Ps of marketing i.e, Product, Price, Place & Promotion. And for that an open market named as ITS PLAZA was created, in which participants showcased the 4 P's along with their pitching skill of a particular product given by Marrecus Team to the team. Also, there were competitors of products in the market as well thus the participants had to pitch their product in front of the customers to the event judges Prof Ashutosh Sharma and Prof Durba Roy.  

Following teams bagged the top 3 positions:
• 1st Prize (Maestro Marketeer no.1) Team Vend Tastic :Saurav Fuloria, Aman Goel, Sonali Kumari, Akash Sharm

• 2nd Prize (Maestro Marketeer no.2) TeamMaverick Marketers :Shiv Shankar Patel 

Ankit Kumar , Nasir Iqbal, Saksi Kumari 

• 3rd Prize (Maestro Marketeer no.3) Team BR Group :Aniket Anand, Abhinav Kumar Singh, Shashank Shekhar,  Rahul Sinha

Critics’ Choice Award  (Team Pitcher mafia) :Aditya Gaur,  Sakchham Dubey, Rajneesh Gupta

Overall presentation and decoration Award.

Best stall decoration team (Team Startup) :Shivani panwar, Aakansha Nigam, Jyoti, Sandeep Nayak

Social Media Quiz Winner :Vibha Singh

Social Media best hype team (For promotion on social media)   

Team Innovator: Vansh Gupta, Harsh Poswal, Saurabh Bhati, Ritesh Sharma

Club also organised Lucky draw category of non-participating students and faculty members.

The winner of lucky draw of faculty was Marrecus – The Marketing Club’s coordinator Prof Neha Shrotiya

The winner of lucky draw of students – Nishu Kumari Sec A

The event who graced by the presence of Dr. Timira Shukla, Director & Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Chairperson PGDM. Judges of the event and CLUB coordinator Prof Neha Shrotriya awarded the winning teams with trophies, certificates of appreciation and gift hampers. Certificates of participation were awarded to all the participating teams.

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International Talk on 3 Powerful Things Great Leaders Do Differently

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized an online International Talk for the benefit of the PGDM I Year students (Batch 2023-25) on January 17, 2024. 


Prof. Ignace L. Hindrick, Director, DMH Business Advisors Pvt. Ltd. from Belgium, was  the ‘Guest Speaker’ for the day.  Dr. Yachna Malhotra, in the presence of Director, Prof.(Dr.) Timira Shukla, Dr. Richa Agarwal, and Prof.(Dr.) Shailendra Kumar Dube  and PGDM I Year students,  welcomed  Mr. Hindric.

In a very lucid manner, Mr. Ignace L. Hindrick, introduced the theme of the session to the audience – “3 Powerful Things Great Leaders Do Differently”. In his view, ‘Inspiring Vision’; ‘Be Passionate about the work’ and “Master Story teller” are the three key attributes of a great leader. In order to reinforce his views, He cited several examples from the corporate world. MNCs like  Barista, Nike, Microsoft have their inspiring vision which attracts customers and staff workers alike.  Contrary to that Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways was passionate about his enterprise. He further added that Steve Jobs was a master story teller, so his customers waited eagerly for his new product launches. Launch of “ I Phone” by Steve Jobs was a classic mesmerizing experience . Use of  video clips accentuated the learning process of the audiences. At the end, on behalf of the I.T.S School of Management & Director, a virtual plaque was offered to speaker.

The entire session was quite captivating and full of learning for the budding managers.

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International Guest Talk on ‘’ Relevance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Technology and Management"

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized the corporate talk for the students of PGDM (2023-25) Batch on the topic ‘’ Relevance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Technology and Management"  by Mr.   Ankur Prashar, Senior Solution Architect at Global Logic Group, Ontario, Canada on 14th  December, 2023.


Director Dr.Timira Shukla welcomed the guest and briefed the students about the objective of the session. Mr.Ankur Prashar initiated the session by giving the overview and sharing invaluable insights on the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both technology and management domains..The discussions also provided several ideas and suggestions for future AI research. 
The lecture focused on key pillars essential for the PGDM 2023-2025 students, emphasizing innovation, customer engagement, research optimization, strategic decision support, respect, risk management, personalization, and cost reduction. The event marked a pivotal moment for students, equipping them with crucial knowledge for navigating the evolving landscape of AI in their academic journey and future careers.

The talk proved to be a valuable platform for students to understand AI.  The virtual platform successfully bridged geographical gaps, allowing for the seamless exchange of ideas and insights. Overall, the international talk was a valuable learning experience, connecting students with real-world industry practices and providing them with practical knowledge about the dynamics of AI in management and technology.

At the end Prof. Neha Shrotriya expressed her gratitude to Mr.Ankur for sharing his valuable time and insights with the students.

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The Operations Club- SANKRIYA activity “PLAY PALOOZA” for PGDM students

The Operations Club- SANKRIYA, organized an event : “PLAY PALOOZA” based on ‘Creative Games & Fun”, for the benefit of PGDM I year students  (Batch 2023-25), on January 4, 2024 , at Girls Common Room (GCR)  between 1:30PM- 4:30 PM. The basic objective of the event was to inculcate creative ideas and fun based games/ activities so that  business acumen besides leadership traits, team building organizing and planning capabilities can be developed.


The first year members of the club (PGDM 2023-25 Batch) welcomed the Director, Dr. Timira Shukla, PGDM Programme Chairperson Dr. Anusha Agarwal, the Judges of the event- Dr. Neeraj Sanghi, Dr. Rajeev Johari   & Club Coordinator Operations   Dr. Shailendra Kumar Dube.

Dr. Timira Shukla urged the students to develop innovative thinking and developing business ideas which will promote “start up” culture in the campus. Prof. Anusha complemented the students for organizing such creative, fun based events: The Club Coordinator welcomed the distinguished guests and new members of the Sankriya Club.  Total 21 teams comprising 3 members each, participated in the event. The participants were given 5 tokens each and teams were given 10 reward items, to be given to winners. There was also a Jury Award.

The Judges showed keen interest in all 21 participating teams and there was huge enthusiasm among the visitors who were keen to use their tokens .. Total 21 games were presented and out of which three teams were adjudged winners:

·         First - Team Test Your Luck : Manish Prasad , Sparsh Kesarwani , Abhinav Kumar Singh

·         Second - Team Operational Wizards:  Shikha Mishra , Anjali Mishra , Roopal

·         Third – Team Tri-Strikers : Akash Sharma, Aman Goel , Sonali Kumari

The Jury’s Award – Team Ram Ram Bhai Sarayane : Aditya Gaur , Akash and Md. Sahnool Sheikh 

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Sports club event : ENTHUSIA VIII for PGDM students

The Statesman Club of I.T.S School of Management organized sports activity “ENTHUSIA-VIII” on January 12, 2024 for PGDM students.

 Following activity were held:

·         Shot put

·         Musical Chair

·          Badminton

·         Slow cycling

·          Volley ball

·          Tug Of War 

The event began with the inaugural ceremony of ribbon cutting by our Respected Director Ma’am, Dr. Timira Shukla and Club Coordinator Dr. D.K Pandey. The total number of participants was 100+ 

The winners for different game’s are:- 

·            Musical Chair: Sonali Kumari

·            Tug of war:   Team   Seven wonders (Boys) and  Team The Tug Titans  (Girls)

·            Slow Cycling (Boys) : First – Saurabh Kumar; Second  - Akash and Third - Abhinav

·            Slow Cycling (Girls): First - Ankita Kumari; Second - Priyanka Prakash

·            Shot put (Boys):Saurabh Singh, Vansh Kumar and Sandeep Nayak

·            Shot put (Girls): Saumya Rai, Vanshika Prakash and  Shivani Pawar

·            Badminton (Male): First - Md.Sahnool & Nimish Bansal; Second - Ankit Chaturvedi & Gaurav Kumar

·            Badminton (Female): First -Shivani and Neha; Second -Nidhi Kumari Mishra and Khushi Kashyap

·            Volleyball: Team Senior’s 2nd Year PGDM 

Student’s were involved in various physical exercises during the event, event was well coordinated, and executed. Overall, the event was energising and a great learning experience where students were able to display team work, coordination and leadership.

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Workshop on “Design Ignition : A design Thinking Journey”

I.T.S School of Management organized a two-day workshop titled on “Design Ignition : A design Thinking Journey” on January 10th & 11th, 2024 for the PGDM (2023-25) Batch.


The programme was conducted by Zycie Verto (Transforming Lives for success). Mr. Dipender Singh was the resource person with his trainers.

The Design Thinking Workshop aimed to cultivate a creative and innovative mindset in participants. The workshop introduced students to design thinking principles, emphasizing a human-centred and collaborative problem-solving approach. The inaugural ceremony commenced with a focus on the importance of workshop. Dr.Timira Shuka , Director, I.T.S School of Management welcomed the guest with the plant sapling.

Day 1 Through various sessions covering empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing, participants acquired hands-on experience with design thinking methodologies. The culmination of the workshop saw student teams developing prototypes that addressed real-world problems, showcasing their ability to translate challenges into user-centric solutions.

Day 2 The practical, hands-on nature of the workshop received particular praise for providing a tangible understanding of design thinking concepts.

Overall, the workshop successfully equipped students with the tools and mindset necessary for creative problem-solving, aligning with the school's commitment to fostering well-rounded and innovative professionals.

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Dr. RichaN. Agarwal attended FDP on the topic “Research Methodology For Indian Thought in Management”

Dr. Richa N. Agarwal, Faculty of I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad participated in Faculty Development Programme on topic “Research Methodology for Indian Thought in Management “organized by MDI, Gurugram on January 09 -10, 2024.


The FDP was planned for two days. The resource person for the FDP was   Prof. Dharam P S Bhawuk, Professor of Management and Culture and Community Psychology University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii US. In the first session, the resource person talked about Western Approaches and Indian Approaches and how Indian thoughts are evolving in Management. The session explained how our culture shapes behaviour . The importance of language was also emphasized.  It was also emphasized that there is a difference in thought when we do management emerging from Indian Thoughts. Many concepts related to Management , leadership and power were discussed which were inspired from Indian Thoughts. Second Day the session focussed on how can we take thoughts from Gita , Upanishads , Puranas and develop new management thoughts. Session explained how to integrate psychology with philosophy.

The session also deliberated on Indian Positive Psychology and Western Positive Psychology and their application in Management. The FDP was unique , relevant and enlightening.

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Alumni talk on the topic "An Inspirational Journey of Challenges & Success"

I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized an Alumni Talk for the students of PGDM (2023-25 batch) on the topic "An Inspirational Journey of Challenges & Success" on 9th January, 2024.




The talk was delivered by Mr. Mrinal Sharma (Alumnus PGDM 2007-09 Batch), Founder – Visas Globals. Dr. D.K. Pandey welcomed the guest by presenting a plant sapling.

Mr. Mrinal started the session by sharing his experience at I.T.S school of management. Further, he shared his journey from campus to corporate. In his address, he emphasized on the changing of mindset to enter into the corporate world. He said that there is no shortcut for success, we have to accept challenges as opportunity to achieve something big in our life. Mr. Mrinal is a cancer survivor. He asserted that, life is precious and we always should try to balance our work life.   

He shared several examples of his own life’s experiences to guide the students about path to success.

He answered all the queries asked by the students satisfactorily.

At last Dr. Timira Shukla, Director – I.T.S School of Management presented memento as a token of gratitude.

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